If you need to link up to a blog party and do not know how to put the blog's link in your post, this will help! If the pictures are too small, click on them to enlarge. First, go to your blog and go up to the top right and click on "New Post."

Next, you will see the space that you create the post in as usual. Type the name of the blog you want to link to. Then, highlight the name. (I DID NOT WRITE ANYTHING IN THE BOX. I AM JUST ILLUSTRATING WHERE IT IS ENTERED.)

Next, go up to the icon that is green. Click on it. (It is 2 icons to the right of the "b" for "bold." A drop-down menu will appear.

Put in the blog address of the blog and save it! Make sure that it reads: http://thenameofthefullnameoftheblog.com
For Whimsical Musings Magazine, I would put in (as an example) http://whimsicalmusingsmagazine.blogspot.com
That's it! You are done. Most people list the names of the link parties on the post at the bottom and then form the link for each one. (I will give you an example at the bottom of this post--It will be a link to The Graphics Fairy and Blogger's Bodega.)
Then, when you go to the blog where a party is that you want to join, click on their Linky and just join it!!
I hope that was helpful!!!
Linking this to:
The Graphics Fairy
Blogger's Bodega