Sunday, October 30, 2011
Victorian Christmas Week Coming Nov. 2

Tuesday, October 25, 2011
An Awesome Giveaway!!!

My friend Marjie is having an amazing giveaway! As you know, I make custom blog buttons, so I designed this one to announce her contest--She is giving away Tim Holtz's A Compendium of Curiousities on Halloween. If you would like to enter to win it, just go to Marjie's blog HERE!!!
Friday, October 21, 2011
Hugs--What They Mean
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Work from Home

Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Victorian Christmas Coming Nov.2!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Tutorials That Make a Difference
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Adjust Column Width on Blogger

Friday, October 14, 2011
Ways to Make Money--Blogging It's a "Woman" Thing

Are you a woman who has ever thought of working from home? I mean the kind of job that you can really enjoy....Where you have time to meet a friend for lunch, pick up the kids from school, and still have all-important time to pamper yourself.
If you have ever contemplated this, let me tell you, your idea is not childish. It is worth not only dreaming about, but also doing something about, even if it is in your spare time until you build a following.
Through blogging, I found that women are making money by sharing their ideas in the form of hand-created treasures and even information. Yes, if you have some valuable information to impart to others, believe me, there are many women who could benefit from your knowledge.
So, if this sounds like the type of day you would like to have, let’s start at the beginning to get you living that lifestyle:
First, what are you good at? What is your special gift?
Do you have a circle of friends who can “spread the word” on social media?
Have you started a blog and built a following?
These are all important aspects to consider. Why? Because they can be a valuable in getting your business “out there.”
Today, word of what you do can spread like wildfire through the Internet. I'll tell you a true story about a woman who built a business even before the Internet existed.
I once knew a woman who loved folk dancing. Her children were grown and she had never worked outside of her home. She had some music on tapes that she loved to dance to. She called a local recreation center and arranged to give folk dancing classes. All she brought were those tapes and a cassette player. She had classes several days a week.
But, that’s not all. In addition, she loved to travel, particularly on cruises. So, she arranged cruises for her dancers. She arranged a few a year. And the best part? She taught dancing to them once a day on the cruise ship AND her trip was paid for because she brought those ladies with her!
The bottom line? She got paid for doing what she loved best. Can you imagine how much bigger her business would have grown if she had a blog where those same women--and others--could have visited? Their friends and friends of their friends could have joined in the fun too!
Women are creative. Women are resilient. Women are nurturers. Women are inspirational.
If you want to start on this journey, just “put it out there” and see how it grows. Blogging itself can bring you money too. You can show pictures of your favorite hobbies on your blog and monetize it--easy, peasy!
I have 2 brand-new ebooks available through Amazon. They offer practical advice and are non-techie.
Blogging: It’s a “Woman” Thing
Blog from the Heart: A Woman’s Guide to Blogging
They can help you on your blogging journey in terms of content, what to write about, how to get a following, etc.
Don’t give up on your dream. I believe that God put it in your heart for a reason.
What Does the Google Plus 1 Button Mean--Market Your Blog
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Google Plus One Button--What Does it Mean?
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Multiple Sclerosis

Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Coupon Code

Monday, October 10, 2011
How to Add a Page to Blogger
If you would like to make an extra page on Blogger, it's easy! First, start on your home page and go to the top. Click "Design" on the upper right of the blog.
You will be immediately taken to your template design page. On the LEFT sidebar, you will see something that says PAGES. Click it!
Begin writing or posting photos in the box provided. Be sure to name your page in the available space at the top and click "SAVE." All done!
Adding a new page is almost identical to making a blog post. The difference is that it will be a stand-alone page that visitors can access from tabs at the top of your blog. Remember, you can always go in and change the page title if you need to change it...It does not require making a whole new page.
I hope this was helpful. For complete blogging tips, you're welcome to join my Free Online Seminar up above. It's the tab you see above the posts!
Happy Blogging!
Cindy Adkins
Amazing Scrap-booking Software!

Sunday, October 9, 2011
Women Blogging
How to Blog: Blogging Tips for Newbies
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Make Yourself Visible through Blogging
Organic Traffic
Friday, October 7, 2011
Word Verification for Blogger
Blog for Free

Many people wonder how to create a blog for fun or business. After having a website for a year, I discovered Blogger and traffic increased immeasurably. Why? Because it’s interactive and guests can leave comments and become part of the dialogue.
If you are a woman who is considering blogging and would like some inspiration, I have written 2 books--Blog from the Heart: A Woman’s Guide to Blogging and Blogging: It’s a “Woman” Thing--each available on Amazon.
If you already have a blog and have just “happened” on to this page, both of these books are non-technical and purely for inspiration to help YOU come up with great ideas to blog about on a daily or weekly basis.
At the current time, I have a main blog called Whimsical Musings. Whimsical Musings Magazine (which you are on) has many tutorials to show you how to do things on Blogger, such as add a blog button. Please bookmark this page so that if you need those tutorials later you will know how to find them. I have simple screen shots and it is difficult to find this type of handy info. ALL IN ONE PLACE, so since they're here, you may as well get the benefits of them.
If you want to know how to increase traffic to your blog, join blog parties, etc. just read my Blogging 101 Seminar at the top of the page. Click the tab and there you'll be! Easy, peasy! What is one of the biggest complaints from bloggers? "I don't know how to get traffic!" Well, the seminar will definitely help you with that.
Blogging is fun. I hope you enjoy the journey!
Search Engine Optimization How to
What is search engine optimization--(SEO)? Search engine optimization simply means the ability to have your blog or website come up higher in search engines. It means that if you take a few steps in the right direction, you will have a better chance of having your domains be found by people on the web--in short, more traffic! But, first it’s a good idea to find out what your ranking already is. That is all covered in my easy online seminar and that part is in the very FIRST section.
My Free “Blogging 101” Seminar is listed on the tab above. I hope you enjoy the classes and when you’re finished, you are welcome to take my Graduation Certificate and place it on your blog or website with a link back to here.
I hope that the seminar is super-helpful!!!!
Thursday, October 6, 2011
AWESOME Software for Digital Art

Steve Jobs Is Gone: A Tribute

Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Change Column Widths on Blogger
This will take you to BLOGGER TEMPLATE DESIGNER. On the left sidebar, click ADJUST WIDTHS.
Next, a screen will appear to adjust widths. As you move them slowly back and forth you can see what your blog will look like. Once you have it how you want it to appear, click APPLY TO BLOG. All done!
Make a Video

How Do I Blog?

How Do I Blog?

Sunday, October 2, 2011
How to Get Rid of Word Verification on Blogger
Once you are on that page, you will see your options. Where it says COMMENT MODERATION,
click NEVER.
Save and you're done!!!
Thank you for viewing my tutorial. I hope it has been helpful. For more info. on blogging (not the technical part), I have written 2 books, which are each available on Amazon. They are:
What does the Google Plus 1 Button Mean?